Onodaga Lake, Syracuse NY. Known is one America’s dirtiest lakes. The Industrial revolution came, Syracuse and points along the Erie Canal boomed with business, money and pollution. Currently the storm runoff plays the biggest problem – When storm runoff and the sewage combine it overflows and goes right into Lake Onodaga over 50 times per year.
The lakes pollution problems started in the late 1890s, Ice harvesting was banned in 1901, Swimming in 1940 and it wasn’t until 1970 fishing was banned due to high mercury levels.
An Organization Save the Rain is taking matters into their own hands – Their main goal is to Save millions and millions of gallons of rain run-off from reaching the lake. Turning roof top buildings into green spaces, with plants, trees and grasses that absorb the water. The streets are being transformed and rain is being directed where it can be used, even Syracuses Hockey team skates on rain runoff ice! Elco solutes Save the Rain and similar organizations. Let’s keep our waters clean for future generations. Choices we make today will impact the future – This isn’t more true than in cases like Onodage Lake.
Elco hopes to shed light on the pollution that litters our world – We hope to open eyes to see the problem, and we hope to open minds to have the thoughtfulness to make change.